Monday, April 27, 2009

Live your best life

When we drop the preconceived notions about one another, and really get to know each other, life would be sweet! So don't judge before you get to know a person. love until you have a reason to doubt! You may or may not believe in the Bible, however, it's number one comandment is to LOVE THY NEIGBOUR AS THY SELF. With that said, we all know that Love is refreshing and Hate is painful, so what would you choose. I hung out with a person for 15 years thinking that we were friends. However, he was really never my friend, because he did not want me to prosper, yet he was making huge amounts of money. If you have people in your like that are not on your side, you need to seperate yourself from them, and only hang with friends that are a positive influence on your life. You will know if their your real friend, because I did, but ignored the signs. So what I'm saying to you is, Pay attention, and live your best life without negative forces around. Peace & Smile

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