There is no such thing as a broken family. Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.
I know that I have been very supportive of my family, my whole life, and what do I get in return without expecting anything, that's the question? Family is meant to be there when you need help or advise, not people you hide from and avoid, because you're always the one giving and never receiving support whether mental or physical.
I released two singles on Itunes, and yes they were remakes, however, I didn't get any support from family, and it makes me sad. They couldn't even pay 99cent to support my endeavors. Even if the singles were crap. However, I still support each person that I call family without expecting anything in return. You ask how do you know who supported your music efforts? Itunes sends out a report where the singles were purchased by city, state or country. Most of the purchases were made in Europe and Africa. I even had some support from the Middle East.
My children know for as long as I live, I will always be their parent first, and their friend second. I will stalk them, lecture them, drive them insane, be their worst nightmare, and hunt them down like a bloodhound when I have to, because I love them. When you understand that, I will know you have become a responsible adult. You will never find anyone else in your life who loves, prays, cares, and worries about you more than I do.
When you're a veteran you adopt many new family members over the years. Does that make them any less family because their not your blood? NO, because I would have died for any of them!
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